

News 게시판
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45 ‘Active Undergrad Startups,’ Development of Disposable Toothbrush Coated with Toothpaste in Jeonju University International Center 18-10-19 635   전주대, 치약 코팅된 일회용 칫솔 개발 ‘대학생 창업 활발’.jpg
44 Jeonju University LINC+ Enterprise Organization, Opening of Infrastructure HATCH Lounge for Training Experience of the F International Center 18-10-19 537   전주대 LINC+사업단, 4차 산업혁명 교육체험 인프라 HATCH라운지 개관.jpg
43 Jeonbuk Small and Medium Venture Leaders Forum Academy Held the First Entrance Ceremony for the Management Course for Ex International Center 18-10-19 602   전북중소벤처리더스포럼 아카데미 최고경영자과정 제1기 입학식 개최.jpg
42 Jeonju University, Academic Exchange Related to History of Confucian Culture with Five Universities in Japan International Center 18-10-19 596   전주대, 일본 5개 대학과 유교문화 역사 학술교류.jpg
41 Jeonju University – Jeollabuk-do Province, ‘South Korea-China Taekwondo competition’ Finished Successfully International Center 18-10-08 633   전주대 태권도학과, 태권도 종합격파 부문 세계 석권.jpg
40 The department of Taekwondo in Jeonju University, Conquer the World with Taekwondo’s Field of Breaking International Center 18-10-08 750   전주대 태권도학과, 태권도 종합격파 부문 세계 석권.jpg
39 With 30 years career in the food service industry, outstanding graduate in the department of food-service industry in Je International Center 18-10-08 471   외식 경력 30년, 전주대 외식산업학과 이색 졸업생 화제.jpg
38 Jeonju University, College Job Center process the aircrew training course International Center 18-08-15 543   대학일자리센터 항공승무원 양성과정 교육 진행.jpg
37 Jeonju University, ‘installing HATCH LONDON’ the first step of small and medium sized ventures in Europe International Center 18-08-15 493   전주대, ‘해치런던 설치’ 중소벤처기업의 유럽 진출 첫발.jpg
36 Jeonju University, Student·Faculty finished Vietnam global volunteering in 2018 International Center 18-08-15 482   전주대, 2018년 학생·교직원 베트남 해외봉사 성료.jpg
35 “I am healthy in Korea.” Free Care Service for International Students in Jeonju University International Center 18-07-31 483   한국에서도 건강해요. 전주대 유학생 대상 무료 진료 서비스.jpg
34 Jeonju University - Jeonju Film Commission, made Industrial-Academic Agreement for the Development of the Video Industry International Center 18-07-31 489   전주대-전주영상위원회 영상산업 발전 위한 산학협약 체결.png
33 Jeonju University, selected as ‘(Preliminary) Self-reforming College’ that Examining the Basic Capabilities of the Unive International Center 18-07-31 467   전주대, 교육부 대학 기본역량 진단 ‘자율개선대학’ 선정.jpg
32 Young kwon Kim, Graduated Jeonju University, Led to a 2-0 Victory over Germany International Center 18-07-31 438   전주대 출신 김영권 선수 독일전 2-0 승리로 이끌어.jpg
31 As a School Ambassador, Jeonju University Having Appointment Ceremony International Center 18-07-03 502   홍보대사 위촉식 진행, 베트남 홍보 첫발.jpg
30 Department of Hotel Management in Jeonju University, Receiving a Love Call from Foreign Countries International Center 18-07-03 517   해외에서 러브콜 받는 전주대 호텔경영학과.JPG
29 Jeonju University, Hold a Graduation Program in the Department of Food Service Industry with Local Residents International Center 18-07-03 496   지역주민과 함께하는 외식산업학과 졸업학술제 개최.jpg
28 Jeonju University, selected as Jeonbuk Region’s Plan Maker (PM) of ‘10 Themed Excursion Business in South Korea’ for Two International Center 18-07-03 511   전주대, '대한민국 테마여행 10선 사업’ 2년 연속 선정.jpg
27 Selected Jeonju University’s Korean Institute of Humanities as ‘HK+ Support Project’ International Center 18-07-03 517   전주대 한국고전학연구소 ‘HK+ 지원사업’ 선정.jpg
26 LINC+ Enterprise Organization, Hold LINC+ HATCH Opening DAY International Center 18-07-03 387   LINC+사업단, LINC+ HATCH Opening DAY 개최.jpg