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recruiting members for our English study group

  • 등록일 : 2017-04-22
  • 조회수 : 452
  • 작성자 : 없음

 Hello, out there.

We are recruiting members for our English study group.

We are holding a meet-up every Friday from 7 to 9:30 in 중화산동.

Our material is 입트영 by EBS and we talk and discuss things based on the topics we are given according to the book. We use English 100% throught the time. So we want to accept good English speakers. And you certainly have to be interested in strenthening your English. Every member finds that our meet-up is enjoyable, great and helpful.

So for those who aspire to speak English and learn things. you should definitely come to our club.

We have our policy in our own way so please come and check them out at our BAND.

Please read our notices first and leave comments if you either agree to them or have questions.

The following is the address of our BAND (전주 중급 영어스터디)

We actually have another different English club for American dramas.

This club currently covers Modern Family episodes.

It takes place on Monday now.

Here is the address.

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