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JJ, Sharing Snacks to Support International Students' Midterm Exams
작성일: 2023-11-21 조회수: 213 작성자: International Center

JJ, Sharing Snacks to Support International Students' Midterm Exams

- Strengthen Attraction and Management of International Students through Close Support for Study and Life -

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) held a snack sharing event for about 200 international students in need of attention and encouragement for the midterm exam period of the second semester at Jeonju University's International Education Center on the afternoon of the 23rd (Monday).

At the event, President Park Jin-bae and the faculty delivered drinks, donuts, and knee blankets prepared with great care under the theme of "A-yo! Cheer for your A+" and delivered encouragement and support to each student.

Yang Heum (Business Department), a Chinese student, said, "It's a culture that I can't see in China, and I sincerely thank you for your interest and support to encourage our international students ahead of the midterm exam, and I'll try harder to repay you with good results."

Jeonju University President Park Jin-bae said, "I am very proud of international students who take lectures in a language other than their native language and take exams to evaluate assignments, presentations and achievements. In the future, we will spend more time and consider together to settle down and support international students' lives in Korea."

On the other hand, Jeonju University has established and promoted strategies to attract and manage excellent international students by all department members under the president for certified  universities for educational internationalization capabilities.