

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Open Garden with the Region "JJ Star Garden"
작성일: 2023-05-19 조회수: 226 작성자: International Center

Open Garden with the Region "JJ Star Garden"

Open Garden with the Region, Practice of Environmentally Friendly ESG Management in Universities

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) Star Garden is loved by local people.

JJ Star Garden is a green campus shelter created by reclaiming unused land in the university, and was promoted as one of the eco-friendly ESG management with the local community.

The parking lot of Jeonju University is open at all times, so anyone can visit freely for free. In addition, a garden trail was created with a cross-structure so that it could be easily entered from anywhere in the school.

Various flowers are being created so that you can always see the garden in spring, summer, and autumn. Currently, it has become famous for rape flowers and royal azalea attractions, and many local residents visit it.

President Park Jin-bae of Jeonju University said, "We will continue to manage it so that it can be a healing space for students and local residents to heal their tired bodies and minds by looking at flowers and make it a university that is always with the region." He also said, "I hope many people will come in May, National Family Month, to rest and make good memories."

Jeonju University's Star Garden said it expects to develop with the region in the future as a special space created by the combination of Jeonju University's continuous efforts and the interest and love of local residents.