

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Employment of International Students Linked to Regional-specialized Visa
작성일: 2022-12-15 조회수: 393 작성자: International Center

Employment of International Students Linked to Regional-specialized Visa

Employment of Excellent International Talent at Regional Companies;

Expectations for Settlement

About 20 foreign students participated in the job fair for regional-specialized visa business hosted by Gimje City on the 29th after providing job competency education for graduates and prospective international students; introduction to companies, resume, self-introduction, and interview education

The regional-specialized visa project is a visa system that allows international students to settle in our region after graduation, and is a "regional-specialized visa project" conducted by the Ministry of Justice to respond to the local population decline and boost the local economy.

If they submit an application to the company through this job fair and get hired through the screening process, and if they get a recommendation from Jeollabuk-do and the university, they will be given privileges such as living in Gimje for 5 years and inviting their family to work.