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Students Who Major in Story Media Convergence Won the 14th Korea Classic Literature DB Utilization Contest.
작성일: 2022-11-16 조회수: 315 작성자: International Center

Students Who Major in Story Media Convergence Won the 14th Korea Classic Literature DB Utilization Contest.

Add the creativity and imagination of JJ students to the gold mine called Korean classics

Jeonju National University (President Park Jin-bae) announced on the 21th that students majoring in story media convergence received the Excellence Award and Encouragement Award at the 14th Korea Classic Literature DB Utilization Contest hosted by the Korea Institute of Classical Translation. The Excellence Award will be awarded 1,000,000won and the Encouragement Award will be awarded 500,000 won, along with a certificate under the name of the director of Korean classical translation.

The contest, which has been held since 2009, aims to popularize Korean classics by producing modern-sense content using a database built by the Korea Institute of Classical Translation, and boasts the highest authority in the field of contests utilizing Korean classics.

This year's theme was the production of YouTube shorts using “Daedongyaeseung (大東野乘)”, a collection of folk tales among Korean classical literature DBs, and “Yeonryosil Technology(燃藜室記述)”, written by Lee Geung-ik (1736-1806), a scholar in the late Joseon Dynasty.

Taejo's SNS, which received the Excellence Award, was produced by Jeong Tae-hyuk, Lim So-hyun, Jung Sun-jin (the Department of Film and Broadcasting), and Park Ji-soo (the Department of Performance and Broadcasting Acting). Starting with the idea of what Taejo Lee Seong-gye, who founded Joseon Dynasty, would have looked like if he had used SNS, he used the Instagram platform format that the younger generation likes to use to convey Taejo's daily and small stories interestingly.

Kim Do-heon, Kang Hyun-ji, and Seo Hye-min (the Department of Film and Broadcasting), who received the Encouragement Award, produced "How did the brothers of the Joseon Dynasty fight?" among the stories in “Daedongyaeseung”, the stories of the Joseon Dynasty's hairy person and the bald brothers arguing were humorously adapted and made into a video with a modern sense.

Professor Baek Jin-woo (Department of Korean Language and Literature), who coached students' content production closely, said, "The gold mine of Korean classics can create various contents when young students meet their creativity and imagination." He also said, "The DB built by the Korea Institute of Classical Translation can be used in various ways in the educational field."

All of the students who won the contest are those who completed the Story Media Convergence Major (Professor Jeong Seung-eun, Department of Film and Broadcasting) of Superstar College (Professor Park Kyun-chul), a college of convergence major at Jeonju University. This major is a convergence major opened by the Department of Film Broadcasting, the Department of Performing Broadcasting, and the Department of Korean Literature, and aims to cultivate creative video content creators in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.