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Jeonju University Student Host Family, Support for ‘Study Abroad Like My Home’
작성일: 2019-04-23 조회수: 620 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 유학생 호스트 패밀리 결연, ‘내 집 같은 유학생활’ 지원.jpg 파일의 QR Code 유학생 호스트 패밀리 결연, ‘내 집 같은 유학생활’ 지원.jpg  유학생 호스트 패밀리 결연, ‘내 집 같은 유학생활’ 지원.jpg

Jeonju University Student Host Family, Support for ‘Study Abroad Like My Home’

- Korean families and international students are matched by one to one, and students are satisfied with their life in Korea -

“I hope Jeonju is remembered as the happiest city for international students. ‘Attention, consideration, love, and encouragement for students who are studying abroad will be a great force to live in unfamiliar life in Korea.”

Jeonju University (chancellor Hoin Lee) announced that 15 international students and 15 Korean families were made into a family through the Host Family ceremony on 26th.

The Jeonju University host family is a system designed to allow international students to settle in life in Korea, and over three years, about 180 students and Korean families have been connected.

MyungHwan Jeong (Dokjin-gu, Jeonju) who became a family with a Chinese international student said that “Since Chinese students have come to Korea to study hard in limited situation, I am participating in it for the second time to help them to realize their dream.”

Professor Inpyeong Ryu, a director of the international exchange department, said that “I think the beginning of public diplomacy is friendly relationships between international students and families in the local community. The host families will contribute not only to support international students but also to develop our region to a city of people and with value.”

Although host families do not live together like homestay, they are recognized as a channel of opportunity to meet new family members through various programs of Jeonju University, to communicate with each other, to grow, and to experience culture of other countries.