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Jeonju University, Delivering International Student Scholarship...21 International students Benefit
작성일: 2019-04-23 조회수: 498 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 국제학생 장학금 전달…유학생 21명 혜택.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 국제학생 장학금 전달…유학생 21명 혜택.jpg  전주대, 국제학생 장학금 전달…유학생 21명 혜택.jpg

Jeonju University, Delivering International Student Scholarship...21 International students Benefit

Jeonju University (Principal Hoin Lee) held the ‘2019 First Semester International Student Scholarship Ceremony’ and delivered scholarships to 21 international students.

The scholarships delivered to the students were raised through outside sponsorships such as International Student Association (ISF), Seoul Shinbanpo church, and Serpentem Scholarship Foundation.

Bhadamhand (the department of Business · Mongol) said, “I have been studying and reviewing everyday to understand the contents of the lecture and asking my Korean friends that I do not know.  I am pleased and grateful to receive the scholarship as a result of this effort.”

Professor Inpyeong Ryu (the director of Korea International Exchange Institute) said that “The interest and love from various institutions will help international students achieve their dreams in Korea. I hope these students to become a great global leader in the future and help many people.”

Meanwhile, Jeonju University runs a scholarship program both in and out of university, and also supports international student service center, mentoring, after-school education, host family, and free health checkup.