

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Operating Mentoring Talent Volunteer Camp for Korean Guidance to International Students
작성일: 2019-03-20 조회수: 593 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 국제학생 한국어지도 멘토링 재능봉사 캠프 운영.jpg 파일의 QR Code 국제학생 한국어지도 멘토링 재능봉사 캠프 운영.jpg  국제학생 한국어지도 멘토링 재능봉사 캠프 운영.jpg

Operating Mentoring Talent Volunteer Camp for Korean Guidance to International Students


- Students and international students, learn, teach and grow together in a college-


Students in the college of education and Korean literature department at Jeonju University are helping international students to study Korean and live a successful life in Korea every semester and vacation.

Jeonju University said it will hold a five-week winter mentoring talent volunteer camp for international students to improve their Korean language skills at the International Student Service Center from December 26 in the last year to 25th of this month.

The camp, under the theme of ‘consideration, caring, love, and sharing talent,’ has been held for the fourth time, helping international students improve their Korean skills and establish their Korean lives in the early stage of studying abroad.

For this camp, 30 students who study in the Korean literature department and the education college volunteered as mentors. They are mentoring the international students from China, Vietnam, and Uzbekistan by teaching Korean, communicating online, and promoting the international students’ Korean life.

Tae kyung Seong (a junior in the Korean literature department), a mentor, said that “I have become a good friend emotionally by supporting international students to study Korean. I am happy to have a chance to help international students with a talent I have.”

A mentee, Jangwol (second level of Korean language / Chinese) said that “I was not used to Korean language and culture, but I felt confidence in Korean through the time I spent with my Korean friends.”

On the other hand, Jeonju University has established a 2019 international student focused support program to support ‘studying, healthy, and comfortable studying abroad,’ and is striving to foster global talent with globalization capabilities.