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Special Exhibition for the Graduation Work Held by Industrial Design Department at the Jeonju City Hall
작성일: 2019-02-14 조회수: 537 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 산업디자인학과 졸업작품 전주시청에 특별전시.jpg 파일의 QR Code 산업디자인학과 졸업작품 전주시청에 특별전시.jpg  산업디자인학과 졸업작품 전주시청에 특별전시.jpg

Special Exhibition for the Graduation Work Held by Industrial Design Department at the Jeonju City Hall

From 5 to 11 of this month, the department of Industrial Design in Jeonju University (Dean Iksu Shin) held the special exhibition for the graduation work with the theme of ‘The fifth Korean traditional culture globalization study, Jeonju (color out the hidden old downtown area with our own colors.)’ at lobby of the Jeonju City Hall.

This event was held at the request of Jeonju city, while the level of the students’ work based on the old downtown of Jeonju city, which was exhibited at 2018 graduation work exhibition held by the industrial design department from 22 to 26 of the last month, was appreciated.

The graduation work exhibited at this special exhibition was the fifth project of the research on globalization of Korean traditional culture, which was showcased with 35 works by reinterpreting regional improvements in the old downtown of Jeonju and offering new alternatives for firefighting facilities and Hanok.

On the first day of the event on the 5th, the work exhibition was a good opportunity to raise the school and promote the department in front of the city officials, including the vice mayor Yang won Kim, and many visitors.