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Jeonju University Department of Foodservice Industry, Won the Prizes including First and Third Place in Korean Wheat Coo
작성일: 2018-11-20 조회수: 451 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대 외식산업학과, 우리밀요리경연대회 대상·동상 등 수상.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대 외식산업학과, 우리밀요리경연대회 대상·동상 등 수상.jpg  전주대 외식산업학과, 우리밀요리경연대회 대상·동상 등 수상.jpg

Jeonju University Department of Foodservice Industry, Won the Prizes including First and Third Place in Korean Wheat Cooking Contest 


On the 14th, five teams of Jeonju University students in the department of foodservice industry were awarded by winning the prizes including the first and third place in the ‘7th National Korean Wheat Cooking Contest’.


With the intention of expanding the production and consumption of Korean wheat and developing diverse recipes using Korean wheat, the Korean wheat cooking contest was fiercely competitive with 60 general and university teams participating.


Participants presented diverse creative dishes using Korean wheat. Among them, the most outstanding dish was the first place winning dish, “Bulgogi tart with tomato salsa” made by Hyo-Chan Han and Ho-jun Choi (the department of the foodservice industry, sophomore) from Jeonju University. The judges praised not only the taste of the dish, but also the texture, popularity, and commerciality.


“Bulgogi tart with tomato salsa” is a dish that kneads the tart that both men and women like with Korean Wheat, and puts the Korean traditional dish Bulgogi on the top of it and finishes it with tomato salsa sauce. This dish may seem rather ordinary, but it has been praised that it has successfully harmonized the taste of Korean bulgogi and Mexican salsa.



Hyo-Chan Han and Ho-jun Choi who won the first place said that “We are happy and rewarding to get the good result as we tried hard. We would not satisfy with this result, and we want to lead the future of the Korean foodservice industry through more studies and challenges.”


Meanwhile, during this contest, a team of Jeong-hoon Kim and Hyun-woo Lee (the department of foodservice industry, junior) and a team of Young-min Park and Yang-Hyun Kang (sophomore) won the third place, and a team of Sung-won Kang and Woon-Gyu Jang (junior) and a team of Min-Su Kim and Ji-Eun Kim were awarded the promotion awards. Thus, five teams from Jeonju University department of foodservice industry won in the contest.



The student who won the first place will receive the minister of agriculture award with 2 million won as prize money, and students who won the third place will receive the Gwangsan district office award with 500,000 won each.