

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Jeonju University, Excellent Achievements in Finding and Cultivating Start-up Companies
작성일: 2018-11-20 조회수: 432 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 창업기업 발굴 및 육성에서 우수한 성과 거둬.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 창업기업 발굴 및 육성에서 우수한 성과 거둬.jpg  전주대, 창업기업 발굴 및 육성에서 우수한 성과 거둬.jpg

Jeonju University, Excellent Achievements in Finding and Cultivating Start-up Companies

- Jeonju University Entrepreneur won in ‘2018 Challenge! Dream Jeonbuk Investment Venture Road Show Award’ -


Jeonju University (President Hoin Lee) announced that companies supported by Jeonju University won first, second, and third awards in ‘2018 Challenge! Dream Jeonbuk Investment Venture Road Show Award’ which was held near the old gate of Jeonju University on the last 19th.


On this day  ‘2018 Challenge! Dream Jeonbuk Investment Venture Road Show Award’, among 10 teams that entered the main line, 4 teams were the companies supported by Jeonju University.


Among them, Dong-min Lee, CEO of Yami Bugs, received the grand prize for his plan to develop healthy food products that utilize edible insects. In addition, CEO of WeEnergy, Woon-ki Han won the second place for his business with ‘Hybrid Mobile Solar Power Plant’, and CEO of Tababa, Myung-soo Jin won the third place for ‘smart backpacks with LED items’. Thus, companies supported by Jeonju University had swept all of the best business awards.



The company that won the grand prize will receive 30 million won in support for commercialization, and the company that won the second place and third place will receive 20 million won and 10 million won, respectively.


Dong-min Lee, CEO of Yami Bugs, who received the grand prize said that “in 2016, it was able to start my business in earnest through Jeonju University’s mentoring and support for commercialization. Since edible insects have high potential and marketability compared to the livestock industry, I am accelerating its development of prototypes such as brownies and energy bars.”


The head of Jeonju University foundation support organization, Jeong-a Joo said that “We will continue to provide customized start-up platforms so that small start-ups can become large businesses that can lead to development in the local economy and job creation in North Jeolla Province.”