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Jeonju University-LG CNS, Agreement on the Promotion of SW Development Human Resources
작성일: 2018-05-14 조회수: 477 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대-LG CNS SW개발 인재양성 업무협약 체결.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대-LG CNS SW개발 인재양성 업무협약 체결.jpg  전주대-LG CNS SW개발 인재양성 업무협약 체결.jpg

Jeonju University-LG CNS, Agreement on the Promotion of SW Development Human Resources

On the 25th, Jeonju university signed MOU with LG CNS to expand and develop the MDD, an auto-coding technology, and to foster human resources in this field.

In this ceremony held by the head office of LG CNS in Magok, about 10 board members including the director Jae Seong Lee from LG CNS finance/public works department, director Unyeol Jeong from public works department, the vice president of the university ByeongSeon Yang, and the director Hwang Insu from education innovation.


Jeonju university and LG CNS’ MOU mainly focused on providing the MDD development environment (DevOn MDA and development framework) and supporting the guide and technology for utilizing such environment. Not only that, it conducted a MDD-based project in its undergraduate department and provided the results to LG CNS. It also focused on promoting and spreading the results and continued the development of MDD technology.

The MDD contract between LG CNS and university is the third after Korea university Information Security Institute and the Da Vinci SW Institute at Jungang university.

Model Driven Development (MDD) is a new SW development that automatically develops programs without coding. LG CNS MDD is at level 3 where coding sources are automatically generated at 100%. LG CNS is the only company that has developed and applied MDD level 3 in South Korea.

The vice president of Jeonju university, ByeongSeon Yang said that “We had the opportunity to combine the excellent technology of LG CNS and more than 400 abundant experiences with the excellent educational ability of Jeonju university. Through this process, we will focus on fostering SW human resources that are required by the fourth industrial revolution.”


The director Jae Seong Lee from LG CNS finance/public works department said that “MDD is the method of software development that has been proved as the advanced technology over the past 16 years,” and “we will continue to cooperate with each other in order to produce the manpower required by the fourth industrial revolution.”


Jeonju university plans to introduce MDD technology into the curriculum in the department of smart media and operate it from May.