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Cooperating with Community Church, Host Family for Foreign Students
작성일: 2018-05-14 조회수: 549 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 지역교회 협력 외국인 유학생 Host Family 결연.jpg 파일의 QR Code 지역교회 협력 외국인 유학생 Host Family 결연.jpg  지역교회 협력 외국인 유학생 Host Family 결연.jpg

Cooperating with Community Church, Host Family for Foreign Students

Jeonju university’s office of international affairs held an event for warm hearted Host Family with the community church on April 2. From the last January, it is the fifth time that the host family has formed. It is popular among foreign students, since it is a great time for 140 foreign students to experience the warmth and culture of Korean family.

Host family also promised to give a warm attention and help to foreign students as a mentor until they left Korea after finishing their studies.

With the community church’s cooperation, our university is promoting a campaign that is specialized for foreign students and helps them.

On this ceremony, the vice president of the university, ByeongSeon Yang said that “these foreign students who came to Korea and study will soon return to their home countries, and they will remember us when they live with the assets they saw and learned here.”

A student who participated in this program last year, Kang Chimack (Mongol/learning Korean) said that “I don’t think there is any such program at any other universities in Korea, except Jeonju university. My Korean mom and dad were so interested and loving in me, so my life in Korea was so fun and happy.”