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Jeonju University, Selected as the Only University Leading Business Start-ups for Eight Years in a row in Honam Region
작성일: 2018-05-14 조회수: 454 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 전주대, 호남권 유일 8년 연속 창업선도대학 선정.jpg 파일의 QR Code 전주대, 호남권 유일 8년 연속 창업선도대학 선정.jpg  전주대, 호남권 유일 8년 연속 창업선도대학 선정.jpg

Jeonju University, Selected as the Only University  Leading Business Start-ups for Eight Years in a row in Honam Region

- 702 people for last 7 years, achievements of foundation and job creation -

For eight years in a row, Jeonju university has been selected as the university leading business start-ups run by the ministry of small and medium venture businesses.

Over the past seven years, 264 people start their own companies, and 438 people created new job positions under a support from a business to support the start-ups.

This year, 43 universities across the country are carrying out the promotion business that supports professional tech start-ups and job creation. Also, Jeonju university is the only one in Honam region which is carrying out this business for 8 years from 2011.

The head of foundation support ministry, Hyung Kyu Lee said that “Our business implements a consistent support system for start-ups including exploration, education, foundation, follow-up support, and investment. We will do our best to find and foster the young stars CEO to develop into a sustainable company.”

On the other hand, the school plans to invest a total of 3 billion won this year to operate a program fostering the young CEO of start-ups through a customized startup platform and a total solution startup support system.