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Specialized Business in The Department of Industrial Design, Held 2018 ID Opening Day
작성일: 2018-04-12 조회수: 504 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 산업디자인학과 특성화사업단, 2018 ID Opening Day 개최.jpg 파일의 QR Code 산업디자인학과 특성화사업단, 2018 ID Opening Day 개최.jpg  산업디자인학과 특성화사업단, 2018 ID Opening Day 개최.jpg

Specialized Business in The Department of Industrial Design, Held 2018 ID Opening Day

 On 7th, the Korean Center for Industrial Design Promotion (KCID) held ‘2018 ID Opening Day’ to welcome the new students with 150 current students in the department of industrial design in Harim mission hall of the star center.

 ID(Industrial Design) Opening Day welcomed the class of 2022 and gathered all juniors, seniors, sophomores, freshman, and professors having a ceremony to grant KCID scholarship and explain specialized business and programs.

In particular, in this ceremony, 10 million won of scholarship was granted to 16 outstanding students who received high specialized points given to students who actively participated and had great achievements in the program over the past year.

The KCID promotion is focused on fostering core creative talents in the field of industrial design by reinterpreting the traditional culture to create new values. For this, it is making continuous efforts to foster professional industrial design talents demanded by businesses by strengthening the fusional education of general arts and science, custom education by stages, industry-academic education, and global education.