

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Produce 15 Carbon Experts in Future Strategic Business
작성일: 2018-03-19 조회수: 498 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 미래 전략산업 탄소분야 전문가 15명 배출.jpg 파일의 QR Code 미래 전략산업 탄소분야 전문가 15명 배출.jpg  미래 전략산업 탄소분야 전문가 15명 배출.jpg

Produce 15 Carbon Experts in Future Strategic Business


-Department of Carbon Fusion Engineering in Graduate school and Department of Carbon Nano-components Engineering in Graduate School of Cultural Industry and Arts Having Graduation Ceremony-


On May 8, our university announced that the department of carbon fusion engineering in graduate school (director Duhyeon Ryu) and the Department of carbon nano-components engineering in the graduate school of cultural industry and arts had a graduation ceremony in the regional innovation hall.


Jeonju University has a key part in training experts related to carbon by establishing all bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor’s degree in the carbon-focused department as the first in the whole country.


This graduation ceremony turned out total 15 experts in carbon field including 6 people received and 2 people completed the master’s degree in the department of carbon fusion engineering and 7 people received the master’s degree in the department of carbon nano-components engineering. They got the master’s degree after two years of working during the day and studying at night.


 The director Duhyeon Ryu said, “I hope you can lead our country to be the best in carbon and part material industry in the world by using skills they developed in the master’s courses.”


Meanwhile, our school’s the department of carbon fusion engineering is focused department for training high-quality human resources in carbon material industry which is the core strategic industry in Jeonbuk region. From 2012, it got a support from the province such as a full scholarship and guaranteeing 100% employment rate in carbon-related companies. The department of carbon nano-components engineering, which gets a support from the department of small and ventures business, is a carbon-related department in Jeonju University that is operated for Jeonbuk small business’ corporate innovation and job competence.