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The college of Education, Oversea School Internship Program in China
작성일: 2018-02-12 조회수: 524 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 사범대, 중국서 해외학교현장실습.jpg 파일의 QR Code 사범대, 중국서 해외학교현장실습.jpg  사범대, 중국서 해외학교현장실습.jpg

The college of Education, Oversea School Internship Program in China


The 6th oversea school internship program was conducted for 3 months from 25th in Hebei University in Hebei province (河北省) in China. 17 students in the college of education from Korean, Math, Chinese, etc field participated this program to improve the ability of teaching.

In the department of Korean in Hebei University they observed Chinese students’ Korean class and taught basic Korean conversations. Also, one Jeonju University student was paired with 2~3 Chinese students to solely teach Korean, and Jeonju University students held the KoreanㆍChinese educational seminar with a topic of Korean. They also made popular Korean food like bibimbab and kimbab with Chinese students in Korean food culture festival.

         Professor Pyeongsu Yu in the department of education in the college of education said ‘Through various programs in this oversea school internship program, students improved their ways to teaching Korean and ability of teaching.’