

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Human Resources Development Division for Culture and Tourism, Increasing Employment Rate by Managing Creative Education
작성일: 2018-02-12 조회수: 476 작성자: International Center
첨부 : 문화관광콘텐츠 전문인력양성사업단, 창의적 교육 운영으로 취업률 높인다.jpg 파일의 QR Code 문화관광콘텐츠 전문인력양성사업단, 창의적 교육 운영으로 취업률 높인다.jpg  문화관광콘텐츠 전문인력양성사업단, 창의적 교육 운영으로 취업률 높인다.jpg

Human Resources Development Division for Culture and Tourism, Increasing Employment Rate by Managing Creative Education


         Jeonju University Human Resources Development Division for Culture and Tourism (Director, Professor Gwangin Song) has been busy to achieve both increment of employment rate and staying ahead of the competition of cultural tourism business in Jeonbuk area. Three departments, Departments of Tourism Management, History and Culture Contents, and Hotel Management, participate in the business that distinguish itself by not only boosting up the employment rate but also solving mismatched workplace problems through an industry field placement, special lectures from experts in each field, team project course and presentation, a workplace experience program, etc.

In order to cultivating creative talent which is demanded from cultural tourism enterprises, the business manages major projects such as a cultural tourism capstone design, a cultural tourism general design subject, etc. and actively supports field experience program, tourism resources exploration, and etc. in the cultural tourism field.

It is also building an industrial cooperation through special lecture by business expert and field placement and helping outstanding individuals to get a job in Jeonbuk.

Especially, in ‘Cultural Tourism capstone design presentation,’ students in the departments of Tourism Management and History and Culture Contents formed a team and gave a presentation after the investigation on the cultural tourism and planning process based on the theories they learned. Then, the business granted a scholarship to the best team.

For this presentation, participants examined and explored cultural tourism resources all across the country at first hand and visited fields in Jeonbuk region to experience the cultural tourism’s specialized aspects. After all, they got a great accomplishment and confidence by carrying out the presentation and presenting the final achievement. The business also grow their capacity through couple rings business and successfully completed Jeollabuk-do cultural tourism project which is about ‘Vitalization of the Festival for Elderly people’, ‘the first prenatal educational complex’, and ‘Saemangeum Festival.’

Through this, students who participated to the business annually made an achievement of getting a job in top companies in Jeonbuk region.

Recently, by holding the 12th Tourism Festival, the business provided various programs like reporting the results of the last year, awarding elite students, and providing a seat for students and alumni. Also, it shared the accomplishment and the vision for the couple ring business.

Tourism Festival consisted of announcing tourism resources exploration, accomplishment of employment club, cultural tourism team project, special lecture from alumni, talking show with seniors, the night for tourism, etc. It was a true field experiencing education for the participants.

The director of Human Resources Development Division for Culture and Tourism, professor Gwangin Song said ‘the main purpose of the couple ring business is enhancing participants’ educational achievement, training elites by cooperating with companies, and increasing employment rate.’ Then he continued to say ‘Through various experiencing programs, the couple ring business improved participants’ educational satisfaction, and furthermore, introduced elite students to the companies. Therefore, these students can remain in Jeonbuk region and contribute to the local development.’