

News 게시글의 상세 화면
JJ-Friends Host Family for International Students
작성일: 2024-04-22 조회수: 180 작성자: Office of International Affair

JJ-Friends Host Family for International Students

- One-on-one support for university life with university staff teachers and international students -

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) International Exchange Institute announced on the 12th (Friday) that it held a JJ-Friends host family tie-up ceremony for international students to settle their lives in Korea.

Jeonju University is helping international students adjust to their studies and settle down in local life while studying in Korea in various ways, and this time, university staff teachers decided to form a 1:1 relationship with international students and help them improve their Korean language skills and settle down in university.

An employee mentor teacher and mentee international students who participated in this association were 1:1 with a total of 10 teams. They met regularly during the first semester of 2024, and decided to exchange help and exchange in various ways, from Korean conversation to Korean cultural experiences and home visits.

This association is of special significance in that employee teachers at universities can become mentors and become a reliable "stay item" that can help international students with difficulties they may actually experience in their early study abroad.

Shim Young-guk, head of Jeonju University's international exchange center, said, “We support international students for challenging themselves to a new environment beyond their existing living base, and I hope this partnership will help them solve trials and errors and difficulties that they may experience in their early university life and further continue this relationship until they graduate.”

Ha Ik-myung, a Chinese student studying abroad, said, “I am grateful to find a mentor in the university I am studying abroad this time. Due to language limitations and cultural differences, it was difficult to approach and interact with Koreans first, but through this relationship, I met a precious person who could receive help when I was in trouble. I will try to adapt better to Korean life through my teachers.”

Meanwhile, the Jeonju University International Exchange Institute said, it plans to continue to expand not only internal members of universities but also community members who can help them live in university in the future so that they can form a one-on-one relationship with international students.