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JJ, 2023 International Student Poetry Reading Contest
작성일: 2023-12-19 조회수: 302 작성자: International Center

JJ, 2023 International Student Poetry Reading Contest

- A More Beautiful Life in Korea with the Community –

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) held the 2023 International Student Poetry Reading Contest at JJ Recite Hall of Jeonju University on the 2nd (Saturday) with the Korea Emotional Leader Poetry Reading Association (Chairman Lee Hyung-kwon).

The contest was conducted by members of the Poetry Reading Association and international students in a 1:1 mentor-mentee alliance to inform international students of Korean culture and emotions through Korean poetry. In addition, it became a warm event with the support of various local organizations such as Jeongseok Chemical, Wangyijimil, Jeonju Nonghyup, Jeonju Hospital, Cotton Club, Taejeon Pharmaceutical, Pagoda Hanji, Korea Association of Health Promotion, and Korea Culture and Arts Academy.

Lan I-ran, a student from China, and mentor Kim Sun-ok, who received the grand prize, recited poet Heo Man-ha's "Road" and made listeners feel the beauty of the Korean language. Retti Tu-jjang, a Vietnamese student who won the gold prize, and mentor Park Myung-yong expressed the pain of the Sewol Ferry with a poem called "Becoming a Thousand Winds," heating the audience's tears.

Hong Seong-deok, vice president of Jeonju University, said, "We were able to have a meaningful time for international students by getting to know Korean culture and emotions through poetry recitals with the interest and love of local community members. We will continue to develop models that can help the mutual development of universities and communities."

Lee Hwa-kyung, chairman of the Korea Emotional Leader Poetry Reading Association, said in a review, "Today's contest seems to have helped international students understand Korean emotions and culture contained in the poetry. It was a touching time when I felt deeply that the voices of international students and our members were the harmony that our society should eventually move forward."

Meanwhile, the winners of the contest (International Student, Guidance Mentor) were ▲ Grand Prize Lan, Kim Sun-ok ▲ Gold Prize Retti-Tui-Jjang, Park Myung-yong ▲ Silver Prize Im Geung, Yoo Dong-geun ▲ Bronze Prize Condupan, Chun Tae-sik ▲ Participation Prize Hwang Jin-nak, Jeong Marching ▲ Special Prize, Saeng Ram and Park Tae-seop.