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Local Community Cooperative Students Hold a Traditional Food Experience Event for Chuseok
작성일: 2022-10-18 조회수: 317 작성자: International Center

Local Community Cooperative Students Hold a Traditional Food Experience Event for Chuseok

The International Exchange Institute held a "traditional food experience event for Chuseok with international students" on the 8th in cooperation with the Jeonju Student Church.

The event was held at the WithU Center, located at the back of our university, with about 80 international students to help them understand Korean culture and Chuseok holidays and adapt to studying abroad.

Through this traditional food experience program, it was a meaningful time to encourage morale of international students and soothe the loneliness of holidays in other countries.

This Chuseok traditional food experience event was held on a schedule such as Chuseok in Korea and comparing the origins and culture of China's Mid-Autumn Festival Songpyeon Making Experience Making Traditional Food by Group Playing Yut.

Jang Chun-woo, a Chinese international student who participated in the event, said, "I'm happy to understand the Korean holiday and make and eat songpyeon with my friends."

Meanwhile, The International Exchange Institute supports international students' adaptation by developing love of their university through various experience programs for international students.