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JJ, international students, 'Have an Event to Share Hangawi Gifts.'
작성일: 2022-10-18 조회수: 343 작성자: International Center

JJ, international students, 'Have an Event to Share Hangawi Gifts.'

- The first holiday after studying abroad... A warm life in Korea with corporate sponsorship-

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) held a Chuseok gift sharing event for international students on September 7 (Wed) with the support of Jeongseok Chemical (CEO Kim Yong-hyun).

The event was held to deliver a set of self-cooked and edible foods to encourage and comfort the Chuseok holiday, which was first celebrated in Korea, to about 100 students from five countries who visited Korea amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Studying abroad has the pleasure of learning in a new environment and culture, but above all, it is the hardest to overcome loneliness, leaving my loved family," said Yu Kang-ro, a freshman in music department, a Chinese international student. He also said, "But there are people who always cheer and encourage me with warm interest and love, so it's a great help."

Kim Yong-hyun, CEO of Jeongseok Chemical, encouraged, "Studying abroad may feel more lonely on the occasion of Korea's unique holiday, but I hope you don't lose that there are many people who are interested in and supporting Korean culture and work hard with dreams and hopes."

Park Jin-bae, president of Jeonju University, thanked “Jeonju University and international students for their interest and love, wished for the infinite development of Jeongseok Chemical, who practices service such as encouragement and sharing, and wish everyone a pleasant and abundant Chuseok.

Meanwhile, Jeonju National University's Institute of International Exchange established a management model for international students to successfully settle their studies abroad
 In cooperation with the local community, it supports international students' adaptation to Korean life through various activities such as crime prevention education, medical service support, Korean language class, host family, music class, sports class, and cultural experience.