

News 게시글의 상세 화면
JJ has obtained a 'certification' University Accreditation Institute in the third cycle in 2022.
작성일: 2022-09-20 조회수: 336 작성자: International Center

JJ has obtained a 'certification' University Accreditation Institute in the third cycle in 2022.

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) announced on the 31st that it met all five areas of certification criteria and obtained five-year certification in the "third cycle (2022) university evaluation certification" conducted by the Korea University Accreditation Institute attached to the KCUE(Korean Council for University Education.)

The evaluation certification of university institutions is recognized by the government that universities meet the basic requirements as higher education institutions. "Certified universities" mean that they have sufficiently secured the requirements required by higher education-related laws and the quality of education that universities want to implement, and have continuously improved their operations.

This three-cycle evaluation certification will only be given to universities that meet the criteria through written evaluations and local visit evaluations for the five elements of university management and education (university ideology and management, education, faculty, educational facilities and student support, university performance and social responsibility).

Jeonju University meets the certification criteria in all five evaluation areas, and has obtained certification three times in a row from the first cycle (2014) to the second cycle (2019) to the third cycle (2022), and as a result, it will maintain the certified university until 2027.

As a result, Jeonju University was recognized for its excellence in education and management as it acquired "certification" in this evaluation following the selection of "general financial support university", digital innovation sharing university (artificial intelligence, realistic media), and LINC 3.0 project.

Park Jin-bae, president of Jeonju University, said, "The constant efforts of all members have paid off so that all areas of the school, from education to research, service and facilities, can be run organically for student success." He also said, "I'm not satisfied with the results of this certification, and we'll try harder to become a trusted university for students, parents, businesses and communities."

On the other hand, certification of University Accreditation Institute is used for various administrative and financial support projects by the government. The certification of University Accreditation Institute has the following effects: ▲ Ensuring quality of university education and trust ▲ Establishing a system to guarantee the quality of higher education and securing objective information for financial support ▲ Establishing a foundation for promoting exchange and cooperation by expanding international penetration of higher education.