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JJ, International students who are about to graduate, "Having a meal and a love-sharing event."
작성일: 2022-09-20 조회수: 386 작성자: International Center

JJ, International students who are about to graduate,

"Having a meal and a love-sharing event."

- The international students thanked the school for its congratulations and support. Now, Jeonju is our hometown. -

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) was sponsored by the Jeollabuk-do Nursing Association (Chairman Lee Sun-ok) and held a time to celebrate and encourage about 40 students from five countries on the 6th scheduled to graduate on the 17th of this month.

The event was prepared by members of the Jeonbuk Nursing Association Tobagi Volunteer Group with the desire of parents to treat them with a warm meal before leaving Jeonju ahead of graduation. In addition, they grilled the best Korean beef, which cannot be easily eaten due to the circumstances of international students, and had a lunch talking about their lives in Jeonju.

Wu Cheng, a Chinese international student, said, "I came to Korea to learn advanced education with the Korean Wave, but I wanted to give up studying abroad dozens of times a day because I missed my family and parents due to environmental adaptation problems caused by cultural differences in the early days of studying." However, he said, "Now, Jeonju, which is generous and livable, has become a hometown where I don't want to leave, and I deeply appreciate you for giving me such special memories before graduation."

Hong Seong-deok, vice president of Jeonju University, said, "I am deeply grateful on behalf of the university members for sharing my warm heart and affection to international students who are about to graduate to be nursing assistants who have been working so hard and suffering at the COVID-19 quarantine site." He also said, "I think the love you gave to foreign students will become a seed and bloom abroad."

Meanwhile, Jeonju National University International Exchange Institute is working with the local community to help international students adapt to Korean life through various activities such as crime prevention education, medical service support, Korean language class, host family, music class, sports class, and cultural experience etc.