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Professors and graduates of JJ’s artificial intelligence department donated 9.42 million won for development fund
작성일: 2022-06-22 조회수: 409 작성자: International Center

Professors and graduates of JJ’s artificial intelligence department donated 9.42 million won for development fund

Jeonju University announced on the 30th that artificial intelligence professors and graduates donated 9.42 million won to the department's development fund.

The donation was made by six artificial intelligence professors, commercial education graduates, master's degree graduates of Agro AI, and AI students together to support experiments, practice, and learning activities in the artificial intelligence department.

The delivery ceremony was attended by five professors, including Professor Song Joo-hwan, head of the artificial intelligence department, Professor Kwon Soo-tae, Professor Lee Geun-ho, Professor Ko Sun-woo, and Professor Kim Young-soo, a graduate of Agro AI Master's Class 20st, and Kwon Yoon-hyung, a student of the 21st Class of Artificial Intelligence.

Professor Song Joo-hwan, head of the artificial intelligence department, said, "We have prepared a scholarship with the meaning of students, graduates, and professors to work together so that our students can become great talents to lead the artificial intelligence field."

Park Jin-bae, president of Jeonju University, said, "It is beautiful to see professors, students, and graduates working together for the department. I am sure that this warm heart will help the artificial intelligence department develop further in the future," he said adding, "I am grateful for the kindness toward professors, students, alumni schools and departments."

Meanwhile, Jeonju University's artificial intelligence department was designated as a high-tech department and opened with the support of the Ministry of Education, and recruited the first new students in 2021. Amid the recent fierce competition among IT companies to secure talent, the artificial intelligence department is training developers and experts in the fields of artificial intelligence and big data to meet the demands of companies and new industries.