

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Student Council to Conduct a Carbon Neutral Life Campaign for Jeonju-University ESG Joint Practice Project
작성일: 2022-05-24 조회수: 335 작성자: International Center

Student Council to Conduct a Carbon Neutral Life Campaign for Jeonju-University ESG Joint Practice Project

Jeonju University's student council (Chairman Lee Hwan) held a carbon-neutral life campaign in the area of the student center on the 3rd.

The event was held as part of the Jeonju-University ESG Joint Practice project, which signed an agreement with Jeonju City in October 2021, and the Jeonju University Student Council and Jeonju City held the event together.

At the event, a "carbon neutral practice tree" event was held, which was completed by attaching post-its written by students after installing wood-shaped prints on large boards, and participating students wrote carbon-neutral behavior that can be implemented, that is, that is planned to be implemented on post-its and attached them to trees.

Through the event, the participating students pledged to practice carbon neutrality, and the participating students were presented with souvenirs such as coffee/ice tea, snack packages, and leaflets.