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JJ University, 2021 the Former Part Graduation Ceremony
작성일: 2022-03-25 조회수: 489 작성자: International Center

JJ University, 2021 the Former Part Graduation Ceremony

To prevent the spread of COVID-19, it was held at individual graduation ceremonies.

Jeonju University (President Park Jin-bae) announced that it will cancel the 2021 former part graduation ceremony and hold it as a graduation ceremony for each of them to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

A total of 2,261 people, including 76 doctors, 157 masters, and 2,028 bachelor's degrees, will be awarded in the first half of 2021.

Although the graduation ceremony was canceled due to more than 2,000 recent COVID-19 confirmed cases in Jeollabuk-do, graduates are only taking simple photos at photo zones on campus after receiving degrees from each department.

Each college will rent a graduation uniform for a week until February 22nd (Tue), and operate a photo zone for graduation photos. Graduates will be awarded degree certificates and certificates individually.