

News 게시글의 상세 화면
International Exchange Institute, International Student Host Family Association.
작성일: 2021-12-23 조회수: 613 작성자: International Center

On the 4th, Jeonju National University's International Exchange Institute held a "Host Family Association" with Jeonju Youngsaeng Church (the homeroom teacher Kim Dongyeon) to connect foreign students with Korean families.

The association was held in compliance with the COVID-19 quarantine rules, and a total of five families in small groups were formed 1:1 with international students.

The members of Jeonju Youngsaeng Church will help international students adapt well to Korean society and become sponsors of interest, love, and prayer with a family-like mind.

Jeonju University's host family is operated in cooperation with universities and local communities, and through this, it is becoming a channel of opportunities to communicate with foreign students. In addition, when international students are connected to Korean families, it is an opportunity to understand Korea more and learn different cultures by forming close relationships like family members until they return home from studying abroad.