

News 게시글의 상세 화면
Designation as the first "Korean Food Professional Training Institution" nationwide
작성일: 2021-09-30 조회수: 597 작성자: International Center
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Jeonju University (President Hong Soon-jik) announced on the 6th that the Department of Korean Food Cooking has recently been designated as the "Korean Food Professional Training Institution" by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the first time in the country.

The Korean Food Professional Training Institution aims to foster professionals to promote and develop the Korean food and Korean food industry and strengthen the competitiveness of Korean food operators in accordance with the Korean Food Promotion Act, which takes effect in 2021. It designates institutions and organizations with appropriate facilities and manpower such as research institutes and universities as professional manpower training institutions, and Jeonju University's Department of Korean Food Cooking was the first to be designated by a four-year university nationwide.

The designation of the institution was conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korean Food Promotion Agency after on-site examination of the satisfaction of the "designation requirements for Korean food professional training institutions." Under the designation of a Korean food professional training institution, Jeonju University will receive state support related to the operation of Korean food-related curriculums by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Korea Food Promotion Agency.

Jeonju University's Department of Korean Food and Cooking, located in Jeonju, designated as UNESCO's food creative city, was established in 2000 as the first four-year university in Korea to educate Korean food. It has a global Korean food education system such as basic, advanced, and in-depth education of Korean food and Japanese, Chinese, Western cuisine, baking, and food styling for the globalization of Korean food.

In addition, it received 1.2 billion won in government support for four years due to the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs' project, and has been selected as a "Korean Food Major Support Project" since then and has been operating a training course for overseas Korean chefs every year. As a result, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has established itself as the most frequently produced official chefs at overseas missions, producing 73 people as official chefs at 43 Korean embassies and consulates in 33 countries over the past decade. In addition, specialized high school cooking teachers, domestic and foreign food companies, and restaurant companies are actively employed in the R&D field.