전주대학교 국제교류원


Degree Programs

The program cultivates individuals with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in the fields of English literature, linguistics, translation studies, and TESOL.

The program aims to
  • Foster individuals who possess a progressive outlook, analytical thinking skills, and a deep appreciation for the English language and its literature.
  • Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of English language and literature through interdisciplinary studies that bridge various fields, including linguistics, cultural studies, and digital humanities.
  • Boast several unique advantages, such as a faculty comprised of experts in various fields, a supportive learning environment that encourages individual growth, and diverse research opportunities that allow students to delve into their particular areas of interest.
  • Prepare students for a wide range of careers, including academia, journalism, publishing, and the public sector

We hope that our program will be the perfect fit for those who seek to pursue a career in the ever-changing and exciting world of English language and literature.


Completion of the M.A. and Ph.D. requires a minimum of 36 credit hours of course work with M.A. thesis or doctoral dissertation. If you want to graduate without a M.A. thesis, you graduate after completing six more credits.

Curriculum table
MA Course 1st Semester
2nd Semester
3rd Semester
4th Semester
9 credits (3 subjects) 9 credits (3 subjects) 9 credits (3 subjects)
(Thesis Processing)
9 Credits (3 subjects)
(Thesis Processing)
Course Offerings
  • Common Subjects
  • English Linguistics
  • English Literature
  • Translation

Course Descriptions – MA and Ph.D. program in English Literature and Language

Common Subjects
Course Descriptions1
Course Description
Theory of Literature Students learn the nature of literature, the value of literature, and the form and genre.
Theory of Language Students learn the nature, structure, and methods of language.
Topics in History of English Literature Students learn the main stream of English literature from a historical perspective.
Modern English Grammar Students learn modern English grammar starting from Saussure and investigate research method.
Topics in History of English Language Students learn the Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics diachronically.
Topics in Contemporary British-American Novel Students read the works of modern writers and learn their literary characteristics.
Problems in Language Students understand natural language of many characteristics and models that can be interpreted.
Topics in History of American Literature Students illuminate the main trends of American literature from a historical perspective.
Translation and Linguistics Students understand of the relationship between various forms and contents among languages by identifying problems in the translation process from a linguistic view point.
Language Acquisition Theories Students learn the theoretical basis of language acquisition and investigating how language is learned in various contexts in psychological, social and cultural aspects.
Comparative Analysis between English and Korean Students analyze the differentiating characteristics of Korean and English based on linguistic grounds so that Students can be applied to language education.
Language and Literature Students learn the linguistic phenomenon presented in literature, focusing on cohesion.
Language and Culture The multidisciplinary meaning of language and its use are reflected in various cultures, and knowledge plays a major role in understanding communication. Students investigate the relationship between language and culture.
Inter-Cultural Communication Students understand of English culture through linguistic and non-linguistic attributes related to English culture, element of culture, and relationship analysis between language and culture.
Introduction to Translation Students learn the academic posture and attitude necessary for translation and learn the background of translation as a single subject.
Comparative Analysis of Culture Students learn the main difference between English and Korean culture.
Studies on British & American Culture Students learn English-American modern and unique culture to have sufficient knowledge of English culture for correct translation.
Advanced Reading Students learn how to improve English reading abilities through systematic analysis of English sentences.
Advanced Writing Students improve English writing ability through writing on various subjects.
Current Issues in Linguistic Theories Students discuss and learning the latest trends and current issues in English studies.
English Linguistics
Course Descriptions2
Course Description
Theories of English Phonology Students learn the phonological phenomena of English within the framework of the single-line phonology, based on the theory of generative phonology and the theory of natural phonology.
Seminar in English Phonology Students synchronically learn the phonological phenomena of English and looks for future directions, following the vocabulary phonology.
Theories of English Syntax Students synchronically learn syntactic variations, focusing on transformational generative grammar.
Seminar in English Syntax Students synchronically learn syntactic variations based on the syntactic theories such as Barriers, Minimalist Program, HPSG.
Theories of English Semantics Students synchronically learn the semantic phenomena, focusing on lexical semantics and field theory.
Seminar in English Semantics Students synchronically learn semantic phenomena and looking for the future direction, based on the world Semantics.
Applied Linguistics Students investigate methods to apply linguistic theory to other areas, based on TESOL theory.
Morphology Students learn the vocabulary formation process and its theoretical background based on the Transformational Generative Grammar.
Phonetics Students learn on the phonetic characteristics of natural languages focusing on articulatory and acoustic Phonetics.
Psycho-linguistics Students learn the psychological aspect of a language, focusing on language learning theory.
Socio-linguistics Students learn the social characteristics of a language based on the social phenomena such as language cognition or bilingualism.
Mathematical Linguistics Students learn the basic framework of formal grammar by approaching language based on mathematical concepts.
Philosophy of Language Students learn the truth and judgment of language from a philosophical point of view and the semantic characteristics of language, based on rationalism and positivism.
Cognitive Linguistics Students learn various approaches to cognitive linguistics that have been actively studied recently.
Pragmatics Students learn existing methodologies and theories that approach the meaning of language in terms of language use, focusing on P.Grice's theory.
Discourse Analysis Students investigate the method of discourse learn and compare the difference between semantics using sentences as research units.
Seminar in Pragmatics Students understand the theory of Austin, Searle and Grice and explore practical language usage and future direction.
Methodologies in Linguistics Research Students understand recent research trends in linguistics and explore the subject selection of the paper and the paragraph of the learn.
English Literature
Course Descriptions3
Course Description
Middle English Literature Students read and learn literature written in Middle English.
Elizabethan Literature Students learn the background of the British renaissance era and investigate writers such as Thomas More, Sidney, Spencer, Christopher Marlowe.
Shakespeare Students summarize previous researches on Shakespeare and his works and analyzing them with respect to the new trends.
Nineteenth-century English Literature Students learn the flow of Victorian age and the works of English literature.
Studies on Comparative Literature Students learn the relationship between English literature and Oriental literature.
Methodology in English Literature Students learn traditional, formal, psychological, mythological, and exponential methods of learning English literature.
Eighteenth Century English Novel Students learn the development of modern novels focusing on early realism, investigating works of Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, and Smollett among the 18th century English literature represented by the era of reason.
Nineteenth Century British and American Novel Students learn the novels of the Romantic era such as Stevenson, Bronte, Eliot, Hawthorne, Melville.
Contemporary Theories of British and American Novel Students learn how the logic of modernism and postmodernism is reflected in the novel.
Seminar on British and American Novel Students introduce postmodernism and meta-fiction British and American novels.
Studies on English Poetry Students comprehensively analyze and investigate the historical characteristics of English poetry.
Romantic Poetry Students learn the characteristics and works of English poetry in Romantic era.
Nineteenth-century Poetry Students learn the features and works of English poetry in Victorian era.
19th Century American Poetry Students focus on the natural history of the United States in the 19th century and outline the works of major poets.
Contemporary British and American Poetry Students learn the trends and works of English and American poets of modernism and postmodernism.
Studies on Western Drama Students historically investigate the development of forms and themes from the plays of the ancient Greek era to the playwrights of the modernist series.
Theories of Drama Students learn the development of periodic dramatic theories, including the theory of ancient Greek tragedy, as well as Aristotle's poetic theory of tragedy to modern theater.
Contemporary British-American Drama Students read and learn the works of postwar generations including the absurd drama.
Seminar on Drama Students learn the trend of modern drama.
Theories of Literary Criticism Students learn the transition of Theories of Literary Criticism chronologically.
British-American Literary Criticism Students learn the mainstream of British-American Literary Criticism focusing on the characteristics, practice and limitation according to the times.
Contemporary Literary Theories and Criticism Students learn Contemporary Literary Theories and Criticism after the New Criticism, focusing on deconstructivism, post-constructionism, post-structuralism, and post-modernism.
Course Descriptions4
Course Description
Language Learning through Computer Students learn how to learn Language Learning through Computer and other technical methods.
English Grammar Students learn how to analyse every kinds of English sentences correctly according to English Grammar.
English Conversation & Communication Students learn and practice various kinds of details needed in communication in English.
Theories and Methods of TESOL Students learn Theories and Methods of TESOL.
Teaching Methods for Reading English Students learn Teaching Methods for Reading English.
Teaching Methods for English Composition Students learn and practice Teaching Methods for English Composition.
Methods and Materials in TESOL Students learn and practice Methods and Materials in TESOL.
TESOL through Drama Students learn and practices TESOL through Drama.
Cultural History of English Language Students learn Cultural History of English Language and the influences of culture to Language according to the transition of times.
Seminar in Classroom Teaching Students practice the teaching method of through practical curriculum and text in the classroom.
Applied Phonetics Students learn the pronunciation of phoneme applying applied phonetics in teaching.
Literature and TESOL Students learn the relationship between Literature and English teaching.
Introduction to TESOL Students learn the basic theories of TESOL used in teaching English.
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Students learn Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in connection with Fresno University, focusing on the theories of English acquisition and steps of development.
Structure, Function and Acquisition of English Students learn Structure, Function and Acquisition of English in connection with Fresno University, focusing on the pronunciation, spelling, the system of words and grammar in general.
Topics in Linguistics Students learn the history of linguistics and various topics of modern linguistics.
Second Language Acquisition Students learn the various factors which affect English learners and Second Language Acquisition.
Multi-media in TESOL Students learn and practice Multi-media in TESOL in connection with teaching method of foreign language.
Theories in TESOL Students learn Theories in TESOL and teaching philosophies.
English for TESOL Students enhance English ability through English reading.
Test and Evaluation Students learn the effective ways of test and evaluation.
Design and Development for TESOL Students learn how to analyze the text and how to develop the new text to use for the English learners and teachers.
Teaching English through English Students learn and practice Teaching English through English focusing on the appropriate terms and expressions.
Methodologies in TESOL Research Students learn how to fix research subject, how to prepare research paper and contemporary research mainstream.
English Education Policy Students learn Korea’s policy of English teaching and what is the theoretical basis and the impact of the policy.
Course Descriptions5
Course Description
Translation History Students learn Translation history of Korea and English-speaking nations.
Contemporary Theory of Translation Students learn Contemporary Theory of Translation in English-speaking nations and Korea, including how to adapt the theories to Korea.
English-Korean Translation 1 Students learn and practice Basic English-Korean Translation, focusing on the technique and method, and the difference between translation and interpretation.
English-Korean Translation 2 Students learn and practice advanced English-Korean Translation, focusing on the technique and method.
Literature Translation Students learn and practice Literature Translation, focusing on the difference between poetry, novel and drama.
Audio-Visual Translation Students learn and practice Audio-Visual Translation, focusing on the dubbing and subtitles.
Translation of Current Issues Students learn and practice the method and technique in Translating Current Issues from English to Korean and vice versa in short time.
Translation of Economic Issues Students learn and practice the method and technique in Translating Economic Issues from English to Korean and vice versa, learning the terms and expressions of economics, business, trade and foreign exchange.
Special Lectures on Internet English Students learn and practice the method and technique in Translating Internet English.
Practicum in Translation 1 Students learn and practice Basic Translation from English to Korean and vice versa needed to be a translation specialist.
Practicum in Translation 2 Students learn and practice Advanced Translation from English to Korean and vice versa needed to be a translation specialist.
General Translation Students learn and practice basic technique and method of Translation from English to Korean and vice versa using everyday life material.
Translation and Literature Students learn and practice basic technique and method of Literary Translation, focusing on choosing the literary works, making a draft, reviewing and ameliorating.
Translation Theory Students learn contemporary translation theories.
Refinement in Language Ⅰ Students learn how to enhance English ability.
Refinement in Language Ⅱ Students learn how to enhance English ability.
Practicum on Translation and Test Students present and evaluate the difficulties in translating.
Culture and Translation Students learn Culture and Translation, focusing on the effect on the target language culture.
Terminology Studies Students learn how to make and use corpus to help translators.
Seminar in Translation Theories Students learn contemporary translation theories.
Genre Analysis and Stylistics Students learn the characteristics and style of various literary and scientific genre.